Hoffai Cymdeithas Corau Meibion Cymru estyn ein llongyfarchiadau twymgalon i Derrick Rowlands am y fraint a'r anrhydedd o gyhoeddu ei urddo i'r Orsedd gan yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Mae Derrick wedi chwarae rôl allweddol yn y Gymdeithas wrth drefnu ein cyngerddau unedig, a llywio ein gwaith gyda mudiadau allanol eraill. Mae Derrick yn aelod o Gôr Mynydd Mawr ac fe fydd yn cael ei urddo yn yr Eisteddfod ym Mhontypridd am ei wasanaeth i gôrau meibion. Ardderchog Derrick
(Endlish follows)
The Welsh Association of Male Choirs would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Derrick Rowlands for the great honour of being chosen to join the Gorsedd of the National Eisteddfod. This honour is bestowed on Wales's most notable people and those that have contributed above and beyond in the enhancement of Welsh and Welsh language culture. Derrick has played a key role on the Association Executive, including a pivotal role in organising our mass concerts and in liaising and representing the Association in the wider community. Derrick is a member of Côr Meibion Mynydd Mawr and will be elevated to Yr Orsedd during this summer's festival in PonIt all started when…
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