Cymdeithas Corau Meibion Cymru
Welsh Association of Male Choirs
On 8 December, the National Eisteddfod published its draft main stage programme for the 2024 event in RCT (Pontypridd) between August 3rd & 10th. In doing this, they have confirmed that all participants in mass events including ALL choirs will appear on the main stage without recourse for any preliminaries. This is a permanent move as opposed to a one-off.
Initial plans caused a furore amongst choirs who felt that given the learning timeframes, the sheer numbers, and excessive costs involved, a failure to guarantee staging for all would have led to a dramatic decrease in competing choirs.
As part of the deliberations that took place following this year's Eisteddfod in Llŷn & Eifionydd, our Association in conjunction with the North Wales Association of Male Choirs undertook a survey of member choirs to gauge interest in competing at the Eisteddfod and we are grateful for those choirs who took time to respond. This was fed into the Eisteddfod's own review.
The revamped programme heralds some of the biggest changes in years and member choirs are encouraged to take a detailed look as there may be opportunities to compete beyond the confines of the traditional male voice choral competition which will continue to take place on the last Saturday.
There will now be at least one choral competition on each day of the Eisteddfod. This starts on the opening Saturday when there will be a competition for choirs from the local eisteddfodau. On Sunday there will be a brand new competition for choirs new to the Eisteddfod with an encouragement for community choirs to present. Monday will now stage the competition for choirs over the age of 60 and Tuesday for choirs under the age of 25. Wednesday will host on open competition for all choirs. On Thursday there will be a competition for Ladies choirs (referred to as S/A voices) together with a choral competition for Welsh Learners. Friday will see three choral competitions - 'Cerdd Dant' choir, Mixed Choir, and Folk music choir.
Commenting on the development Association Chair, Paul Reynolds said, "We warmly welcome the outcome of the Eisteddfod's deliberations which recognise the distinction between individual and massed events in terms of time spent rehearsing, the sheer numbers involved and the cost of mass travel and attendance merited each competing choir being staged."
"We would encourage member choirs to take a look at the programme and think creatively as there may be opportunities to compete not only in the male voice competition to which the Association presents a cup annually but to a range of other choral competitions too."
The portal to register an interest as a competing choir has now opened. Further details will follow later this month and the final programme will appear in May after the closure of deadlines to express an interest in competing.
2024 National Eisteddfod preliminary competitions programme published | Eisteddfod
"Ar yr 8fed o Ragfyr, cyhoeddodd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ei rhaglen gychwynol ar gyfer cystadleuthau'r prif lwyfan yn yr ŵyl yn RCT (Pontypridd) rhwng Awst 3ydd a'r 10fed 2024. O wneud hyn, fe gadarnhawyd fod bob cyfrannwr i'r cystadleuthau torfol gan gyynnwys POB côr yn cael ymddangos ar y brif lwyfan heb yr angen am rhagbrofion. Mae hyn yn ddatblygiad parhaol yn hytrach nag achos un adeg.
Cododd y bwriadau cychwynol nyth cacwn ymysg y corau a deimlent oherwydd yr amser i baratoi darnau, y rhifau, a'r costau teithio a mynediad, fe fyddai methu gwarantu llwyfan yn esgor ar ddirywiad dybryd yn nifer y corau a fyddai'n fodlon cystadlu.
Fel rhan o'r trafodaethau yn sgîl Eisteddfod flwyddyn hon yn Llŷn ac Eifionydd, cynhaliodd ein Cymdeithas ar y cŷd gyda Chymdeithas Corau Meibion y Gogledd arolwg o'n aelod gorau i ganfod eu hagweddau tuag at gystadlu ac rydym yn dra ddiolchgar i'r corau hynny a aeth i'r drafferth i ymateb. Cyfrannwyd y canfyddiadau i arolwg yr Eisteddfod.
Mae'r rhaglen wedi ei ail-wampio yn cynnig rhai o'r newidiadau mwyaf i gystadleuthau'r prif lwyfan ers blynyddoedd ac annogir ein corau i ddwys ystyried y rhaglen gan fod cyfleoedd yn codi i gystadlu tu hwnt i gyfyngderau'r gystadleuaeth i gorau meibion fydd yn parhau i gael ei gynnal ar y Sadwrn olaf.
Fe fydd o leiaf un gystadleuaeth gorawl bob dydd yn yr Eisteddfod flwyddyn hon. Ar y Sadwrn cyntaf ceir cystadleuaeth i gorau yn cynrychioli'r Eisteddfodau lleol. Ar y Sul fe fydd cystadleuaeth newydd sbon i gorau sy'n newydd-ddyfodiaid i'r Eisteddfod gyda'r annogaeth i gorau cymunedol ymddangos. Ar ddydd Llun tro corau dros 60 oed fydd wrthi a ddydd Mawrth, y sawl o dan 25 mlwydd. Ar ddydd Mercher bydd yna gystadleuaeth agored i bob côr. Ar ddydd Iau fe fydd yna gystadleuaeth i gorau merched (llais S/A) a chystadleuaeth i gorau dysgwyr. Ar y dydd Gwener fe fydd tri cystadleuaeth gorawl - côr Cerdd Dant, côr cymysg, a chôr alawon gwerin..
Wrth daro sylw at y datblygiad, dywed Paul Reynolds, Cadeirydd y Gymdeithas, "Rhown groeso cynnes i ganlyniadau trafodaethau'r Eisteddfod sy'n cydnabod y gwahaniaeth rhwng cystadleuthaau unigol a thorfol o safbwynt yr amser ymarfer, y niferoedd, a'r costau teithio a fyddai'n cyfiawnhau llwyfannu bob côr".
"Byddem yn annog pob côr i graffu ar y rhaglen yn ofalus ac mewn ffordd creadigol gan fod aml i gyfle i gystadlu mewn cystadleuthau corawl tu hwnt i gystadleuaeth y corau meibion lle rhoddir cwmpan i'r buddugwyr drwy law y Gymdeithas."
Mae'r porth i gostrestri diddordeb i gystadlu flwyddyn hon nawr ar agor. Cyhoeddir manylion pellach maes o law ac fe fydd y rhaglen orffenig yn cael ei chyhoeddi ym mis Mai ar ôl pasio'r dyddiad cau i gofrestri bwriadau i gystadlu.
Cyhoeddi rhaglen gystadlu gychwynnol Eisteddfod 2024 | Eisteddfod
Trosolwg Rhaglen Gystadlu (CYMRAEG) 07.12.23.pdf (