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The National Plan for Music Education will deliver a Programme for Government 2021 to 2026 commitment to ‘establish a National Music Service for Wales’. It is the culmination of key findings and recommendations from reports on music education as well as our engagement with key stakeholders across the music education sector. More details HERE
Cynllun Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Addysg Cerddoriaeth
Bydd y Cynllun Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Addysg Cerddoriaeth (y ‘cynllun’) yn cyflawni ein hymrwymiad yn Rhaglen Lywodraethu 2021 i 2026 i ‘sefydlu Gwasanaeth Cerddoriaeth Cenedlaethol i Gymru’. Mae’n ffrwyth canfyddiadau allweddol ac argymhellion o adroddiadau ar addysg cerddoriaeth yn ogystal â’n gweithgarwch ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid allweddol yn y sector addysg cerddoriaeth. Mwy o fanylion YMA
SOCIAL PRESCRIBING (Community Referrals)
In the past decade there has been a move towards clinicians prescribing more holistic lifestyle changes to patients as part of their healthcare treatment. This concept, known as social prescribing, includes referrals to community programs such as gardening, dance sessions or exercise groups. Social prescribing has been widely publicised in the news in Wales and England as a possible treatment for an increase in loneliness exacerbated by the Covid pandemic. The Welsh Government has also committed to making social prescribing a priority in its Programme for Government.
More details can be found .. HERE.
Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol (Atgyfeiriadau cymunedol)
Yn ystod y degawd diwethaf, mae nifer cynyddol o glinigwyr wedi bod yn rhagnodi newidiadau mwy cyfannol i gleifion o ran eu ffyrdd o fyw, a hynny fel rhan o’u triniaeth gofal iechyd. Mae’r cysyniad hwn, a elwir yn bresgripsiynu cymdeithasol, yn cynnwys atgyfeiriadau at raglenni cymunedol fel garddio, sesiynau dawns neu grwpiau ymarfer corff. Mae presgripsiynu cymdeithasol wedi cael llawer o gyhoeddusrwydd yn y newyddion yng Nghymru a Lloegr fel triniaeth bosibl ar gyfer unigrwydd – problem sydd wedi gwaethygu yn sgil pandemig COVID-19. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd wedi ymrwymo i wneud presgripsiynu cymdeithasol yn flaenoriaeth yn ei Rhaglen Lywodraethu.
Ceir rhagor o fanylion ..YMA
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. The Welsh Government expects individuals, groups and organisations offering activities or service to follow this advice. This will demonstrate reasonable steps are being taken to ensure the safety of children and adults at risk. Across Wales, individuals, groups and organisations offer a rich and varied range of activities and services for people to enjoy. This can range from more informal social groups to activities that support children or adults to enjoy sports, gain new skills or share an interest, to activities offered by faith groups. These opportunities are vital in supporting the well-being of people in Wales, helping people to feel mentally and physically well and to enjoy positive social connections with others. However, it is important that all those offering activities or services to children (up to the age of 18 years) and adults (aged 18 or over) understand the need to have safeguarding arrangements in place to make sure that nobody is put at risk of harm. Safeguarding means keeping people safe from abuse, neglect or harm and knowing what to do if you think a child or adult is at risk of abuse, neglect or harm. Where settings or organisations are already registered, regulated and inspected they should meet their statutory requirements and follow existing safeguarding arrangements. More information HERE
Mae diogelu yn gyfrifoldeb i bawb. Gwyddom y bydd unigolion, grwpiau a sefydliadau sy’n cynnig gweithgareddau neu wasanaethau yn gweld manteision clir dilyn y cyngor hwn. Bydd hyn yn dangos bod camau rhesymol yn cael eu cymryd i sicrhau diogelwch plant ac oedolion sy’n wynebu risg.
Ledled Cymru, mae unigolion, grwpiau a sefydliadau yn cynnig ystod gyfoethog ac amrywiol o weithgareddau a gwasanaethau i bobl eu mwynhau. Gall hyn amrywio o grwpiau cymdeithasol mwy anffurfiol i weithgarwch sy’n cynorthwyo plant neu oedolion i fwynhau chwaraeon, meithrin sgiliau newydd neu rannu diddordeb, i weithgarwch a gynigir gan grwpiau ffydd.
Mae’r cyfleoedd hyn yn hanfodol i gefnogi lles pobl yng Nghymru, gan helpu pobl i deimlo’n feddyliol ac yn gorfforol dda a mwynhau cysylltiadau cymdeithasol cadarnhaol ag eraill.
Fodd bynnag, mae’n bwysig bod pawb sy’n cynnig gweithgareddau neu wasanaethau i blant (hyd at 18 oed) ac oedolion (18 oed a throsodd) yn deall yr angen i gael trefniadau diogelu ar waith i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw un yn wynebu risg o niwed. Mwy o wybodaeth YMA
Member choirs are reminded to comply with Copyright Law and that photocopying music is not permitted without written consent or the purchase of an appropriate licence. There are 3 parts to the copyright - the music which is copyrighted by the composer, the printed edition or arrangement which is copyrighted by the publisher and the lyrics which are copyrighted by the lyricist.
Some Copyright basics, particularly regarding online steaming, can be found HERE
There are rules set out in law which all organisations, including community groups such as choirs, must follow in order to help protect people’s data and privacy. From the end of the Brexit transition period on 31st December 2020, the relevant legislation for organisations in the UK is the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), and the Data Protection Act of 2018.
Privacy and Data Protection Policy - There are rules set out in law which all organisations, including community groups such as choirs, must follow in order to help protect people’s data and privacy. From the end of the Brexit transition period on 31st December 2020, the relevant legislation for organisations in the UK is the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), and the Data Protection Act of 2018.
Your organisation can use personal data if it is in your group’s legitimate interests. This means that you can use data in ways that are necessary in order to run your group. You should only use the minimum amount of data that you need, and you should give people the option of having their data removed from your records.
For example you choir may keep a record of its choristers, including contact details (email, address, telephone number) which can identify a specific person under the policy. It may also keep details of bank accounts for direct debit payments. In addition it may keep a list of patrons and other supporters as well as a mailing list for marketing purposes. All these people should know that you hold this data on them and what it is used for; it must be correct and up to date and you should provide clear information explaining that the chorister/supporter can get in touch to ask to be removed from the mailing list if they do not wish to receive further news from the choir. A person can ask for any data that you hold on them. This should be provided as long at you do not disclose any other persons personal data in the process.
When you use people’s data to pursue your group’s legitimate interests, this must be balanced against their rights and freedoms.