Cymdeithas Corau Meibion Cymru
Welsh Association of Male Choirs


If you like singing, our member choirs are always looking for new members. 

You can find your local choir from our list of member choirs HERE


Ffurfiwyd Cymdeithas Corau Meibion Cymru (WAMC) yn 1962 ac erbyn hyn mae ganddi dros 100 o gorau aelodau, gan gynnwys 13 o gorau cysylltiol a 6 chôr tramor, gan gynnwys o UDA, Awstralia, Seland Newydd, De Affrica a Chanada.

Mae’r Gymdeithas yn anelu at feithrin a hyrwyddo’r grefft o gerddoriaeth gorawl Meibion a gweithiau corawl Cymreig a hefyd i gysylltu â Sefydliadau Addysgol a Chymdeithasau Diwylliannol ar gyfer ymarfer ac astudio perfformiadau Corawl Meibion ledled y byd.



Yn annog ac yn hwyluso corau i gydweithio i lwyfannu cyngherddau, gan gynnwys Digwyddiadau Côr Unedig Cenedlaethol.

Gweithio gyda sefydliadau eraill fel Grŵp Cerddoriaeth Hollbleidiol y Senedd, Creu Cerddoriaeth (Cymru), Y Gymdeithas Corau Cenedlaethol a Chymdeithas Corau Meibion Gogleddd Cymru.

Meithrin partneriaethau gwaith rhwng corau sydd wedi’u lleoli y tu allan i’r rhanbarth sy’n dymuno cadw cysylltiadau â’r ardal.

Cefnogi corau trwy ddarparu gwybodaeth yn ymwneud â rheoliadau hawlfraint, rhagnodi cymdeithasol a diogelu.

Darparu un pwynt cyswllt ar gyfer corau'r rhanbarth ar gyfer sefydliadau neu asiantaethau sydd am gyfathrebu ar lefel eang.

Hyrwyddo cyngherddau'r aelodau trwy’r wefan hon a thudalen Facebook y gymdeithas.



The Welsh Association of Male Choirs (WAMC) was formed in 1962 and now has over 100 members choirs, including 13 associate choirs and 6 overseas choirs, including from the USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada.

The Association aims to foster and promote the art of Male Voice choral music and Welsh choral works and also to liaise with Educational Institutions and Cultural Societies for the practice and study of the performance of Male Choral work worldwide.



Encourages and facilitates choirs to work together to stage concerts, including National Massed Choir Events.

Work with other organisations such as the Senedd All Party Music Group, Making Music (Wales), National Association of Choirs and the North Wales Association of Male Voice Choirs.

Foster working partnerships between choirs based outside of the region wishing to retain links with the area.

Support choirs by providing information relating to copyright regulations, social prescribing & safeguarding.

Provides a single point of contact for the regions choirs for organisations or agencies wanting to communicate at a broad level.

Promote members choirs’ concerts through this website and associated facebook page.



President: Wynne Evans BEM

Association Officers and Trustees
The officers of the Association listed below were elected for 3 years at the Association’s AGM on Sunday, 22 May 2022.

Chair: Paul Reynolds
Vice Chair: Paul Newman
Secretary: Chris Evans
Treasurer: John Williams OBE

The full list of Executive Committee members is HERE.

Executive Committee Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Sunday, 1 December 2024, at Neuadd Y Tymbl/Tumble Hall, SA14 6HR, at 10.30am

Annual General Meeting

The 2025 AGM will take place on 11 May 2025 at 12.30pm. Venue to be confirmed

June 2024 Newsletter
To access the Association Newsletters visit the Members Area.


Member Choirs Concert Listing
You can view the list of concerts HERE

As a benefit of Membership, we are happy to list concerts and other events (usually charitable activities rather than commercial events) involving an appearance by WAMC member choirs. Please email your concert details to the Secretary, Chris Evans, via email from HERE.

Get in contact: Anyone wishing further information should contact the Secretary, Chris Evans, via email from HERE.

Listen to the Massed Choirs

These recordings are just a sample of those made at the Royal Albert Hall and Manchester Arena concerts. Videos from our 2024 Royal Albert Hall concert can be found on our facebook page.

The Association's partner charity is Prostate Cymru